Bridge and Roll

The bridge and roll technique is a fundamental movement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can be used in various situations. It involves bridging your hips off the ground and rolling over your shoulder to escape from an opponent’s mount or side control position. In this article, we will explore the mechanics of the bridge and roll, its applications, and how to practice and master it.


Mechanics of the Bridge and Roll: The bridge and roll technique involves a coordinated movement of the hips, shoulders, and arms. The first step is to bridge your hips off the ground by pushing your feet into the mat and lifting your hips towards the ceiling. Next, you need to turn your body to the side and roll over your shoulder. As you roll, you should use your arms to protect your head and create space between you and your opponent.


Applications of the Bridge and Roll: The bridge and roll technique can be used in various situations, including escaping from the mount or side control position. When an opponent has mounted you, the bridge and roll can be used to create space and escape to a more favorable position. Similarly, when an opponent has side control on you, the bridge and roll can be used to create space and regain guard or half guard position.


Practice and Mastery of the Bridge and Roll: To master the bridge and roll, you need to practice it regularly and incorporate it into your training routine. Start by practicing the individual components of the movement, such as the bridge and the roll, before putting them together. Once you are comfortable with the individual components, practice the full movement with a partner. You can also incorporate the bridge and roll into specific training drills, such as the shrimp drill.


Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: Some common mistakes in the bridge and roll technique include not bridging high enough, not turning enough during the roll, and not protecting the head with the arms. To avoid these mistakes, make sure you bridge as high as possible, turn your body to the side during the roll, and keep your arms up to protect your head.


The bridge and roll technique is a fundamental movement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that can be used in various situations. By mastering this technique, you can improve your overall BJJ game and become more effective in escaping from your opponent’s control. Incorporate the bridge and roll into your training routine and practice it regularly to see the benefits.