Half Guard

The half guard is a highly versatile and effective position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. From this position, you can sweep your opponent, control their movements, and attack with a variety of different submissions. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the half guard position and explore some of the most effective techniques you can use from this position.



Establishing Half Guard

To establish the half guard position, you’ll typically begin by pulling one of your opponent’s legs towards you while keeping the other leg in between your own legs. This creates a “half guard” position where you’re controlling one of your opponent’s legs while keeping your own legs wrapped around their other leg.


Controlling Your Opponent from Half Guard

Once you’ve established the half guard position, your first priority should be to control your opponent and prevent them from passing your guard. One effective way to do this is by using your underhook to control their upper body and prevent them from posturing up or passing to the side. You can also use your top leg to control your opponent’s leg, making it difficult for them to move or escape.


Sweeping from Half Guard

One of the most effective techniques from the half guard position is the sweep. The most common sweep from half guard is the “old school” sweep, which involves sweeping your opponent over to the side and taking the top position. To execute this sweep, you’ll typically use your underhook to control your opponent’s upper body while using your top leg to hook their leg and create leverage for the sweep. Another effective sweep from half guard is the “half butterfly” sweep, which involves hooking your opponent’s leg with your bottom leg and sweeping them over to the opposite side. This sweep can be highly effective against opponents who are trying to pressure into you or pass to the side.


Attacking from Half Guard

In addition to sweeping from half guard, you can also attack your opponent with a variety of different submissions. One of the most effective submissions from half guard is the kimura, which involves isolating your opponent’s arm and twisting it behind their back to create a painful shoulder lock. 

Another effective submission from half guard is the guillotine choke, which involves wrapping your arm around your opponent’s neck and squeezing to cut off their blood flow. This submission can be highly effective against opponents who are trying to pass to the side or pressure into you.



The half guard position is a highly effective and versatile position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By controlling your opponent and looking for opportunities to sweep or submit them, you can dominate your opponents from this position. Whether you’re using the old school sweep, the half butterfly sweep, or another technique, the key to success from half guard is being patient, maintaining control, and staying one step ahead of your opponent. With practice and perseverance, you can become a master of the half guard position and take your BJJ game to the next level.