Side Control

The side control is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It’s a position where you’re lying on top of your opponent, with your chest pressing into their torso and your legs controlling their lower body. From this position, you have a number of different options for attacking and controlling your opponent. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the side control position and explore some of the most effective techniques you can use from this position.


Establishing Side Control

To establish side control, you’ll typically begin by passing your opponent’s guard. This can be done using a variety of techniques, including the knee slice pass, the toreando pass, or the bullfighter pass. Once you’ve successfully passed your opponent’s guard, you’ll look to establish side control by placing your chest on their torso and controlling their hips with your legs.


Controlling Your Opponent from Side Control

Once you’ve established side control, your first priority should be to control your opponent and prevent them from escaping. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using your body weight to put pressure on their torso, making it difficult for them to breathe and move. You can also use your arms to control your opponent’s head and arm, making it difficult for them to turn into you or escape.


Attacking from Side Control

While controlling your opponent is important, you’ll also want to look for opportunities to attack and submit them. One of the most common attacks from side control is the Americana, also known as the keylock. To execute this technique, you’ll use your arms to isolate your opponent’s arm and apply pressure to their shoulder joint. This can be a highly effective submission, especially against opponents with weaker shoulder joints.

Another effective attack from side control is the Kimura. This submission involves isolating your opponent’s arm and twisting it behind their back, creating a painful shoulder lock. The Kimura can be particularly effective against opponents who are attempting to push you away or escape from side control.


The side control position is one of the most dominant positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. By establishing side control and controlling your opponent’s movements, you’ll be able to look for opportunities to attack and submit them. Whether you’re using the Americana, the Kimura, or another submission technique, the key to success from side control is maintaining control and being patient. With practice and perseverance, you can become a master of the side control position and dominate your opponents on the mat.