BJJ Books: A guide to the Best Jiu-Jitsu Literature

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a complex and ever-evolving martial art that requires a lot of time and effort to master. While attending classes and training regularly are essential, reading books on the subject can also be incredibly beneficial. There are numerous books on BJJ available on the market, but it can be challenging to choose the right one. In this post, we will compare some of the best books on BJJ and help you make an informed decision

Book TitleAuthor(s)LevelYearFocusProsCons
Jiu-Jitsu UniversitySaulo RibeiroBeginner2008FundamentalsComprehensive, Easy to follow, Detailed explanationsSome readers find it too basic for advanced practitioners
The Black Belt BlueprintNicolas GregoriadesBeginner-Advanced2018Philosophy, LifestyleInsightful, Inspirational, Practical adviceLimited technical instruction
Mastering the Rubber GuardEddie BravoAdvanced2006TechniquesUnique approach, In-depth coverageSpecialized content may not be suitable for beginners
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Theory and TechniqueRenzo Gracie, Royler Gracie, John DanaherBeginner-Advanced2001Techniques, PhilosophyComprehensive, Detailed explanations, Historical contextOutdated illustrations
Zen Jiu JitsuOliver StaarkBeginner-Intermediate2013Mindset, LifestylePractical advice, Easy to readLimited technical instruction
The Grappler’s Handbook Vol. 1: Gi and No-Gi TechniquesJean Jacques MachadoBeginner-Advanced2007TechniquesClear explanations, Detailed illustrationsLimited coverage of advanced techniques
Mastering JujitsuRenzo GracieBeginner-Advanced2003Techniques, PhilosophyComprehensive, Detailed explanationsOutdated illustrations
Drill to Win: 12 Months to Better Brazilian Jiu-JitsuAndre GalvaoBeginner-Advanced2008Techniques, TrainingStructured approach, Clear instructionsLimited coverage of philosophy and mindset