Guide to BJJ Gear: Essential Equipment for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioners

The right gear can make all the difference in your training and performance. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran, having the proper BJJ gear is essential. Here are some of the most important gear items to consider:

The BJJ Gi

The BJJ gi, also known as a kimono, is the traditional attire worn in BJJ. It consists of a jacket and pants, and it’s an essential part of BJJ training. The gi provides a grip-intensive game and allows for a wide range of techniques utilizing the collar, sleeves, and pant legs. There are different types of gis available, including lightweight, pearl weave, and double weave gis. When choosing a gi, consider factors such as size, material, and design that suit your preferences and training style.

No-Gi Attire

No-gi training has gained popularity in recent years, offering a different dynamic from gi training. For no-gi sessions, you’ll need attire that emphasizes mobility and grip control. Rash guards, shorts, and spats are commonly worn in no-gi training. Rash guards provide protection from mat burns and rashes while keeping you comfortable. Shorts and spats offer freedom of movement and prevent skin-to-skin contact, making them ideal for intense grappling sessions.

Rash Guards

Rash guards are form-fitting, moisture-wicking shirts designed to protect your skin during training. They provide a barrier between your skin and the mat, minimizing the risk of abrasions and irritations. Rash guards are available in short-sleeve, long-sleeve, and sleeveless options. Look for rash guards made from high-quality materials that offer breathability and durability for long-lasting performance.

BJJ Belts

The BJJ belt system is an integral part of the art, symbolizing a practitioner’s progress and level of expertise. Starting with the white belt, practitioners work their way up through the ranks, including blue, purple, brown, and black belts. Each belt represents a different level of proficiency and mastery. As you progress in your BJJ journey, you’ll earn new belts as a testament to your dedication, knowledge, and skill.

Protective Gear

Protective gear is essential for ensuring your safety during training. While BJJ is generally a safe martial art, accidents can happen, and it’s important to take precautions. Here are some key protective gear items to consider:


  • Mouthguards: A mouthguard protects your teeth, gums, and jaw during intense training and sparring sessions. It helps reduce the risk of dental injuries and jaw fractures.
  • Knee Pads: BJJ involves a significant amount of groundwork, and knee pads provide support and protection for your knees. They can help reduce the impact and strain on your joints, especially during takedowns and guard passes.
  • Ear Guards: Cauliflower ear is a common condition among BJJ practitioners caused by repeated trauma to the ears. Ear guards, also known as “ear savers” or “ear protectors,” help prevent cauliflower ear by providing cushioning and reducing the risk of ear damage.
  • Finger Tape: BJJ involves a lot of gripping, which can put strain on your fingers and lead to injuries such as sprains or strains. Finger tape provides support and stability to your fingers, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing your grip strength.
Training Accessories

In addition to the essential gear, certain training accessories can enhance your performance and help you make the most out of your BJJ training. Consider adding the following items to your training arsenal:


  • Training Dummies: Training dummies, also known as grappling dummies or “BJJ dolls,” are a valuable tool for solo drilling and practicing techniques. They simulate a training partner, allowing you to work on your moves and transitions when you don’t have a training partner available.
  • Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are versatile tools that can be used for strength and conditioning exercises, mobility drills, and rehab work. They provide varying levels of resistance, helping you build strength, improve flexibility, and target specific muscle groups used in BJJ.
  • Foam Rollers: Foam rollers are excellent for self-myofascial release, helping to alleviate muscle tension and improve mobility. By rolling different muscle groups over the foam roller, you can release knots and tightness, enhancing your recovery and reducing the risk of injuries.
Gym Bag Essentials

A well-equipped gym bag ensures that you have all your essentials in one place, making it convenient for training sessions. Here are some gym bag essentials to consider:


  • Towel: A small towel is handy for wiping away sweat during and after training sessions.
  • Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, so keep a reusable water bottle in your bag to ensure you have access to water throughout your training.
  • Personal Care Items: Pack essentials such as deodorant, soap, and shampoo for post-training hygiene.
  • Spare Clothes: It’s always a good idea to have a set of clean clothes to change into after training.
  • Snacks: Keep some healthy snacks in your bag for quick energy replenishment.
 Investing in Quality

When it comes to BJJ equipment, quality is key. Here are some tips to help you choose the right gear:


  • Research and Read Reviews: Before making a purchase, do some research and read reviews about the brand and specific product you’re interested in. Look for feedback from fellow practitioners to get insights into the quality and performance.
  • Consider Your Budget: While it’s important to invest in quality gear, consider your budget and choose options that fit within your means. There are excellent options available at different price points.
  • Try Before You Buy: If possible, try on the gear or borrow from fellow practitioners to get a feel for the fit and comfort before making a purchase.
  • Seek Recommendations: Don’t hesitate to ask your instructors or experienced teammates for recommendations on gear brands and specific products. They can offer valuable insights based on their experience.



Equipping yourself with the right gear is essential for a successful and enjoyable BJJ journey. By understanding the basic equipment needed for BJJ training, taking care of your gear, and investing in quality items, you’ll be well-prepared to train safely and make progress on the mats. Remember, the gear you choose is an investment in your training and overall experience, so choose wisely and enjoy the journey.