
Basics of Armbar BJJ

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a form of self-defense and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. A key element of BJJ is the armbar, which can be used to submit an opponent by putting them in a joint lock or causing pain to the arm. In this article, we will look at the basics of armbar BJJ and how it can be used in training and competition. We’ll also discuss some common mistakes to avoid when performing an armbar so you can maximize your success in your BJJ journey.


Advanced Armbar Strategies and Techniques

The armbar is one of the most powerful and versatile submissions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It can be used to quickly finish a fight or to control your opponent and set up other attacks. Advanced armbar strategies and techniques are essential for any BJJ practitioner looking to take their game to the next level. By learning how to properly set up, execute, and defend against armbars, you can become a more dangerous grappler on the mats. In this article, we will discuss some of the advanced armbar strategies and techniques that you should know in order to successfully use this submission in your game.


1. Use your hips to create space: When your opponent has their arm locked around your arm, the most important thing is to create some space. Use your hips to turn away from your opponent, creating a bigger angle and creating a bit of space.

2. Create a bridge: Create a bridge by pushing off the ground with your legs, as if you were doing a bridge exercise. This will give you an opportunity to push off and create some space for an escape.

3. Push down and away: Once you have created some space, you can use your free arm to push down

Drilling & Practicing Armbars in BJJ

Drilling and practicing armbars is a crucial part of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). It is an essential skill for any practitioner to master, as it can be used to control and submit opponents. By drilling and practicing regularly, BJJ practitioners can become proficient in the technique and use it in sparring or competition.

Drilling armbars requires knowledge of the basic technique, as well as a variety of drills that can help improve speed, accuracy, and flow. Practicing involves applying the technique in live sparring scenarios with a partner. This allows practitioners to refine their technique while developing the confidence needed to execute it successfully in a match.

By drilling and practicing armbars regularly, BJJ practitioners can become proficient at executing them effectively in sparring or competition. With consistent practice, they will be able to control their opponents with ease while submitting them quickly and efficiently.


Tips for Practicing Arm Bar Submissions in BJJ Sparring Sessions


1. Start off slow and focus on proper technique. Make sure to properly align your hips and shoulders with your partner’s before applying the arm bar.

2. Get comfortable with the position and understand the mechanics of the submission. Make sure to have a firm grip on your partner’s arm and keep them close to you while applying pressure.

3. Experiment with different angles, grips, and grips changes to find what works best for you. This will help you become more comfortable with applying the arm bar in a real sparring session.


How to Position Yourself Properly for an Effective Armlock Submission

An armlock submission is a powerful technique used in martial arts and grappling. It allows you to control your opponent and force them to submit. To be successful in using this technique, it is important to properly position yourself so you can effectively execute the armlock submission. In this guide, we will discuss how to position yourself for an effective armlock submission. We will go over the different body positions, grips, and angles that are necessary for a successful submission. We will also discuss how to set up the armlock correctly so that your opponent has no chance of escaping or counter-attacking. With this knowledge, you can make sure that your armlock submissions are effective and efficient every time!


1. Begin in the guard position, with your legs wrapped around your opponent’s midsection and your arms controlling one of their arms or both.

2. Move one of your legs over your opponent’s shoulder, to gain a better angle.

3. Place your other arm behind their neck and across their chest, keeping your elbow close to their shoulder. This will help you control them and keep them from escaping the hold.

4. Lift your hips up and rotate your body away from your opponent, creating tension and pressure on their arm.

5. Pull down on the arm